Photo credit: Avast!
RAGUE, Czech Republic – While industry testing shows that avast! Free version 5.0 handily beats most paid-for antivirus products, AVAST Software is pushing the envelope even further with the new avast! 6.0 – launching today.
“With our new avast! 6.0 Free Antivirus, we’ve added advanced capabilities that aren’t in any mainstream AV product. Once again, we are providing a free antivirus that often exceeds the protection offered by other paid-for products,” said Vince Steckler, CEO of AVAST Software. “In these tight economic times, there is no reason for people to keep paying for the overpriced AV that they have on their computers.”
There are six good reasons why computer users should remove antivirus products such as Norton or McAfee and install the new avast! Free Antivirus 6.0.